Cross Border Championships - Albury-Wodonga 2023


Fri 17 Nov 2023 07:00 — Sun 19 Nov 2023 15:30

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

A world cup style event

This event differs from usual regattas. The world cup style concept being trialled involves a team competing in both Mixed 20s and Open and Womens 10s crews across a range of distances:

  • clubs enter a ‘fixed’ team of up to 28 paddlers (including sweeps and drummers and emergencies) in a category. All athletes must be entered on the team list. This list is set at the start of the competition and remains the same over the three days
  • age categories – Juniors (10-18 maximum*); Premier (no age restriction); Seniors 40+, Seniors 55+, Cancer Survivors and Supporters (no age restriction)

(* by 31 December 2023)

Preliminary timetable (TBC)

  • Day 1 - Friday (Start - 8.30am)

100 metre sprints - Mixed 20s; 200 metres - Open and Womens 10s (accumulated times)

  • Day 2 - Saturday 

1km turns race - Open and Womens 10s compete in the same race in separate boats e.g. Women’s boats start 30 seconds before Open crews. The time will start when the Women’s team starts and will stop when the second crew (Men or Women) has crossed the finish line.

  • Day 3 – Sunday (Finish approx. 2.30pm)

500 metres - Mixed 20s

Each day is divided into:

  • AM – Premier, Juniors/Cancer Survivors and Supporters (TBC)
  • PM – Seniors 40+, Seniors 55+, Juniors/Cancer Survivors and Supporters (TBC)

Crew composition

  • Mixed boats – a maximum of 10 male paddlers. Sweep and drummer of either gender.
  • Open boats – sweep and drummer of either gender.
  • Womens boats – all female crew including sweep and drummer.
  • Cancer Survivors – in the first instance we are seeking Expressions of Interest from clubs able to enter a team which meets the DBV definition of a cancer survivor as any DBV member who has had a diagnosis of cancer.  This is an inclusive policy which enables the participation of breast cancer survivors associated with Dragons Abreast clubs and from within other clubs, as well as female and male survivors of other cancers.  Sweeps and drummers can be cancer survivors or supporters.


  • Every race counts with points allocated to every finishing position.
  • Placegetter awards per category, plus the ‘Southern Cross Cup’ for the team winning the highest number of points across all categories will be awarded the perpetual ‘Southern Cross Cup’.

Kayo/Fox Sport will be filming a number of events for use in promoting the sport around the World.

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